Defence White Paper 2010

Defence White Paper 2010

Published: 17 Nov 2010

Category: Publication

The 2010 White Paper is the first White Paper New Zealand had for 13 years, and it is an excellent step forward for Defence policy in New Zealand.

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A White Paper is a policy document that sets out plans and proposals for the future. The Defence White Paper 2010 set the overall direction for Defence to 2035. It was informed by the Defence Assessment and Value for Money review, and was produced after public and academic consultation, and consideration by Ministers and an independent advisory panel.  It outlines the outlook for global and regional security issues that are relevant to New Zealand, the role of the Defence Force, the equipment, infrastructure and workforce required, and the likely cost implications. A further White Paper was produced in 2016. The release of the White Paper was announced in the following press release (external link).

Terms of reference

Scope: The White Paper will set out a framework for the Defence of New Zealand through addressing New Zealand’s vital strategic interests including the security of its sovereign territory and exclusive economic zone, its special relationship with Australia, the need to build security in the South Pacific, its relationships in the wider Asia-Pacific region and its contribution to the global community.

Governance / Oversight: The Secretary will undertake the assessment in consultation with the Chief of Defence Force. The Review will provide a report to the Minister of Defence that includes advice, options and supporting background material. Throughout the review process, the Secretary of Defence will update the Minister of Defence on the progress of the work as part of normal officials’ meetings. The Secretary will consult as required with other departments that may be affected including those represented on the Officials Domestic and External Security Committee (ODESC) and will brief ODESC on the progress of the review at least monthly. Before concluding the Review, the Secretary will brief and confer with the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee of Parliament. 

Consultation: The Secretary will draw on input from independent experts and public consultation with key stakeholders including the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association and other ex-service groups, the New Zealand Defence Industry and New Zealanders and New Zealand-based groups with an interest in Defence. A Discussion Document based on the current status of Defence will inform a public consultation. The public consultation will be completed in time to inform the development of the options contained in the review.

Advisory Panel: The Secretary will be supported by a panel of three independent advisers, appointed by the Minister of Defence. The Panel’s mandate will include strategic context, structures, organisation, capabilities and procurement. The advisers have been selected for their experience in international relations at the political level, military matters, commercial affairs, management and organisational change. The Panel comprises: Mr Simon Murdoch Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Martyn Dunne Comptroller, New Zealand Customs Service, Mr Robert McLeod Managing Partner, Ernst & Young.

Timeline: The Review will be reported to the Minister at key stages, with a draft complete by early 2010.

Funding: All costs of the Review will be a charge against Vote: Defence. 

ISBN: 978·0-478-27830-9 (Print)

ISBN: 978-0-478-27831-6 (Online)

Published in November 2010 by the Ministry of Defence


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