Major Projects Report 2013 Volume 2 Part 3

Major Projects Report 2013 Volume 2 Part 3

Published: 12 Dec 2013

Category: Publication

This is the fourth Major Projects Report (MPR) which tracks progress and project management performance across Defence's major projects (those where the Government has specifically authorised Defence to acquire new equipment).

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Initial Operating Capability: this is the first time the capability being introduced can achieve some or all of the operational requirements. Operational Level of Capability: the generation of military capability so that force elements are able to carry out specific military tasks in accordance with the NZDF Output Specifications. Directed Level of Capability: the maintaining of military capability at a minimum capacity from which force elements may be generated within a specified response time to achieve the operational level of capability.

ISBN 978-0-478-27868-2 (Print)
ISBN 978-0-478-27869-9 (Online)


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