How we manage and deliver capability

Defence projects

Defence projects

Defence projects are usually managed as either Defence-led or New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF)-led.
Defence-led projects are where the Government has decided the financial appropriation and delegation rests predominantly with the Secretary of Defence. They are generally assessed across scale and risk as very high, high or medium-scale projects.
Projects are managed by joint project teams, often led by Ministry staff. During the Commercial Practice and acquisition processes the Ministry takes the lead, and then the through life support follows NZDF’s commercial practice. 

New Zealand Defence Force engagement

New Zealand Defence Force engagement

For NZDF-led projects, financial appropriation and delegation rests predominantly with the Chief of Defence Force.

These projects are usually assessed as medium, low or very low scale projects, as determined by the Scale and Risk Assessment Tool. They are normally overseen by the NZDF staff and operate under NZDF governance.
Visit the NZDF’s website for information about their work with Industry.