757 replacement scoping underway

04 Sep 2024

Defence has begun working with industry to inform a business case for the replacement of the Royal New Zealand Air Force’s two Boeing 757s.

The market research is investigating options for replacing the existing 757 capability with an aircraft to undertake similar activities – primarily movement of military personnel and equipment, as well as support for trade and diplomatic missions.

Officials have begun talking to a number of aviation companies to investigate opportunities and to explore delivery times, availability and ownership options for replacement capability.

The next stage of the process will be the development of a business case for Cabinet consideration. No decisions have been made or funding committed. 

Responses from industry are due 13 September. This process does not commit the Crown to any expenditure but will be used to develop a business case which will include indicative costings.

Defence has begun working with industry to inform a business case for the replacement of the Royal New Zealand Air Force’s two Boeing 757s.

The market research is investigating options for replacing the existing 757 capability with an aircraft to undertake similar activities – primarily movement of military personnel and equipment, as well as support for trade and diplomatic missions.

Officials have begun talking to a number of aviation companies to investigate opportunities and to explore delivery times, availability and ownership options for replacement capability.

The next stage of the process will be the development of a business case for Cabinet consideration. No decisions have been made or funding committed. 

Responses from industry are due 13 September. This process does not commit the Crown to any expenditure but will be used to develop a business case which will include indicative costings.