Defence Capability Plan

The Defence Capability Plan (DCP) describes the Government's investment intentions for Defence capability to industry, international partners and the New Zealand public.

Work is underway on options to inform a new DCP as the next phase of the Defence Policy Review.

Current plan

The Defence Capability Plan 2019 sets out the indicative planned investments in the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) out to 2030, while further identifying potential investments to be made after 2030.  

The Plan describes specific investments planned for major capabilities, within the air, maritime, land and information domains. Providing the purpose, timing and estimated cost range of each investment, the DCP 2019 offers a transparent, informative indication of Defence priorities. Providing an outline of planned investments also ensures that Defence is well situated to work with industry to deliver on this Plan.

The timing, description, and cost of capability investments provided in the plan are indicative, and subject to approval by Cabinet. 

Investment intentions out to 2030 are subject to individual business cases justifying the investment, and funding being available through the budget process, taking into account other Government priorities. Indicative investments planned for commitment between 2030 and 2035 have been included to allow for considered, long-term planning for the Defence Force’s future needs.

The DCP 2019 was jointly prepared by the Ministry of Defence and the NZDF. A broad range of other Government agencies provided input and assurance. 

The Defence Capability Plan (DCP) describes the Government's investment intentions for Defence capability to industry, international partners and the New Zealand public.

Work is underway on options to inform a new DCP as the next phase of the Defence Policy Review.

Current plan

The Defence Capability Plan 2019 sets out the indicative planned investments in the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) out to 2030, while further identifying potential investments to be made after 2030.  

The Plan describes specific investments planned for major capabilities, within the air, maritime, land and information domains. Providing the purpose, timing and estimated cost range of each investment, the DCP 2019 offers a transparent, informative indication of Defence priorities. Providing an outline of planned investments also ensures that Defence is well situated to work with industry to deliver on this Plan.

The timing, description, and cost of capability investments provided in the plan are indicative, and subject to approval by Cabinet. 

Investment intentions out to 2030 are subject to individual business cases justifying the investment, and funding being available through the budget process, taking into account other Government priorities. Indicative investments planned for commitment between 2030 and 2035 have been included to allow for considered, long-term planning for the Defence Force’s future needs.

The DCP 2019 was jointly prepared by the Ministry of Defence and the NZDF. A broad range of other Government agencies provided input and assurance.