Golan Heights / Lebanon / Syria

United Nations Treaty Supervision Organisation is the United Nations' oldest peacekeeping operation and is an important and visible mission to help preserve peace between Israel and its neighbours.

United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation

Personnel: Up to 8

The New Zealand Defence Force has been a longstanding contributor since 1954 through the monitoring role played by up to eight military observers based in the Golan Heights, Lebanon and Syria. Their tasks include patrolling and monitoring ceasefires and military activity within the region. New Zealand is continuing to support conflict prevention through the mission. It is our largest current contribution to a United Nations-led peacekeeping mission.

The mandate for this deployment expires on 30 September 2026. 

United Nations Treaty Supervision Organisation is the United Nations' oldest peacekeeping operation and is an important and visible mission to help preserve peace between Israel and its neighbours.

United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation

Personnel: Up to 8

The New Zealand Defence Force has been a longstanding contributor since 1954 through the monitoring role played by up to eight military observers based in the Golan Heights, Lebanon and Syria. Their tasks include patrolling and monitoring ceasefires and military activity within the region. New Zealand is continuing to support conflict prevention through the mission. It is our largest current contribution to a United Nations-led peacekeeping mission.

The mandate for this deployment expires on 30 September 2026.