South Pacific and South East Asia

The Mutual Assistance Programme (MAP) is an integral component of New Zealand’s contribution to peace and security in the Asia Pacific.

Mutual Assistance Programme

Location: South Pacific and South East Asia 

MAP activities include the provision of training, technical and other support to South Pacific and Southeast Asian security and defence forces.

The objectives of the programme are:

  • to support New Zealand foreign policy by maintaining and strengthening bilateral relations in the defence field with countries with whom New Zealand has a common interest in regional security;
  • to contribute to the effectiveness and self-reliance of the forces of cooperating countries without entering into any operational commitments;
  • to facilitate opportunities for the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) to gain experiences in training and operating in tropical environments;
  • to facilitate visits to New Zealand by elements of the security forces of the MAP countries for the purpose of exercising and training with the NZDF.

This assistance is provided by providing training to personnel (both police and military) from MAP partner countries on a range of NZDF courses with an emphasis on leadership, professional development and skills training.

The MAP also provides a number of Technical Advisers across the South Pacific including the Cook Islands and Timor Leste.

The Mutual Assistance Programme (MAP) is an integral component of New Zealand’s contribution to peace and security in the Asia Pacific.

Mutual Assistance Programme

Location: South Pacific and South East Asia 

MAP activities include the provision of training, technical and other support to South Pacific and Southeast Asian security and defence forces.

The objectives of the programme are:

  • to support New Zealand foreign policy by maintaining and strengthening bilateral relations in the defence field with countries with whom New Zealand has a common interest in regional security;
  • to contribute to the effectiveness and self-reliance of the forces of cooperating countries without entering into any operational commitments;
  • to facilitate opportunities for the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) to gain experiences in training and operating in tropical environments;
  • to facilitate visits to New Zealand by elements of the security forces of the MAP countries for the purpose of exercising and training with the NZDF.

This assistance is provided by providing training to personnel (both police and military) from MAP partner countries on a range of NZDF courses with an emphasis on leadership, professional development and skills training.

The MAP also provides a number of Technical Advisers across the South Pacific including the Cook Islands and Timor Leste.