Diplomacy and engagement

International diplomacy and engagement is key for Defence, both in contributing to New Zealand’s security and to maintaining the rules-based international system.

Effective defence engagement also supports New Zealand’s broader foreign and economic policy objectives. It is important therefore that New Zealand actively engages with our partners, including contributing to international security efforts and undertaking operational deployments.

International diplomacy and engagement is key for Defence, both in contributing to New Zealand’s security and to maintaining the rules-based international system.

Effective defence engagement also supports New Zealand’s broader foreign and economic policy objectives. It is important therefore that New Zealand actively engages with our partners, including contributing to international security efforts and undertaking operational deployments.

Defence diplomacy

Defence diplomacy

The Ministry of Defence (the Ministry) works with the Defence Force to shape New Zealand’s relationships with foreign militaries and security organisations. We provide advice to Government and direction on defence relationships to maximise New Zealand’s security and broader interests. Having a network of strong international relationships serves to protect and advance our interests.

We support Ministers and defence principals in their overseas engagements – we ensure that decision-makers are well briefed, up-to-date and understand the key issues. We also host and support visits to New Zealand by international defence leaders. The Ministry provides briefing, advice and analysis to support these activities.

Our schedule of defence diplomacy activities includes bilateral talks with a diverse range of partners, strategic dialogues such as the Shangri-La Dialogue, and participation in multinational exercises. These activities provide the opportunity to advocate New Zealand’s position on security matters and establish priorities for future defence engagement.  

We use the overseas network of New Zealand representatives at Embassies and High Commissions, including New Zealand Defence Force’s defence attachés, to support this programme of work and maintain interoperability with close partners.

International engagement

International engagement

New Zealand actively upholds the rules-based international system through its support and participation in institutions and arrangements that reinforce global stability. This includes participation in a number of international multilateral and regional security institutions that reinforce international norms and promote dialogue between states.

Regionally, New Zealand is an active participant in Asia-Pacific security architecture and is a member of the East Asia Summit, the ASEAN Regional Forum and the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus), as well as the South Pacific Defence Ministers’ Meeting.