Audits and assessments

Given the nature of the work conducted by the Ministry of Defence (the Ministry) and the Defence Force, it is essential the two agencies operate in an open, transparent and high-integrity environment.

The Ministry conducts audits and assessments of the Defence Force to support continuous improvement and undertakes specific pieces of work as directed by the Minister. We also commission independent audits and assessments of our own projects or work programmes.

Given the nature of the work conducted by the Ministry of Defence (the Ministry) and the Defence Force, it is essential the two agencies operate in an open, transparent and high-integrity environment.

The Ministry conducts audits and assessments of the Defence Force to support continuous improvement and undertakes specific pieces of work as directed by the Minister. We also commission independent audits and assessments of our own projects or work programmes.

Expert Review Group

Expert Review Group

Responding to the Government’s Inquiry into Operation Burnham and recommendations from the Expert Review Group

In 2020-21, an Expert Review Group was set up following the Government Inquiry into Operation Burnham and Related Matters. The Expert Review Group made nine main recommendations, including recommendation 2 which stated, in part:

“We recommend the NZDF and the Ministry of Defence strengthen integration throughout the deployment lifecycle and at all levels of both organisations. In particular, we recommend:  

2.1 the Vice Chief of Defence Force and Deputy Secretary Policy and Planning, in consultation with other national security agencies, develop and document an integrated deployment lifecycle with clear accountabilities and participation rights for NZDF and the Ministry of Defence across the whole deployment.” 

In response to the above recommendation, the NZDF and the Ministry implemented an Operations Lifecycle Framework. The Operations Lifecycle Framework details how NZDF, the Ministry and other security agencies will work together on significant deployments, from inception to conclusion. 

Monitoring deployments

Monitoring deployments

Monitoring and assessing major deployments

The Defence Force and the Ministry have introduced processes to monitor and assess deployments, in consultation with other national security agencies. These processes are in response to recommendations from the Expert Advisory Group following the Government’s Inquiry into Operation Burnham and came into effect in 2024.

Major Defence deployments are monitored while under way and their success is measured against the strategic objectives after they end. The monitoring and assessment processes are led by the Ministry and supported by the Defence Force.

Regular monitoring of deployments while they are underway provides assurance to Ministers, the Government and Defence decision makers that deployments are on track to achieve the strategic objectives set down in the deployment mandate. Post-deployment assessments at the conclusion of military operations enables Defence and the Government to understand whether the strategic objectives were achieved and if there are lessons to be learned from each deployment.