Current NZDF Deployments Proposed Release of Information

Published: 22 Aug 2018

Category: Ministerial briefing

Information about New Zealand Defence Force Deployments.

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This publication sets out a briefing to the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence in April 2018 on the public release of information regarding New Zealand Defence Force deployments. The briefing is titled Current New Zealand Defence Force Deployments: Proposed Public Release of Information.

The briefing includes context about the advice provided to Ministers on deployments, and outlines the nature of sensitive information that often needs to be protected regarding deployments. It notes a range of updates to the deployment information published on the Ministry of Defence and New Zealand Defence Force websites.

Certain information has been withheld from the document where the making available of the in formation would be likely to prejudice the security or defence of New Zealand or the international relations of the Government of New Zealand [in accordance with section 6(a) of the Official Information Act 1982]. This includes the entirety of Annex C. Certain information is also withheld where it was entrusted to the Government of New Zealand on the basis of confidence by the Government of another country [section 6(b)(i)]. In addition, certain information has been withheld in order to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions by or between or to Ministers of the Crown or members of any organisation or officers and employees of any department or organisation in the course of their duty [section 9(2)(g)(i)].

An amended version of this publication was uploaded on 18 October 2018 that includes information previously labelled as 'out of scope'.

Information about making an Official Information Act request to the Ministry of Defence is available from this page.


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