Defence Capability Plan 2019 – Release of Cabinet Documents

Published: 09 Sep 2019

Category: Cabinet material

This publication provides Cabinet’s 2018 and 2019 consideration of the Defence Capability Plan Review, as provided for in the Labour-New Zealand First coalition agreement. Cabinet's decisions from the Review formed the basis of the Defence Capability Plan 2019, which outlines the proposed future investment in New Zealand's Defence capabilities. 

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Additional info

  • The Terms of Reference for the Review were approved by the Minister of Finance and Minister of Defence, and were noted by Cabinet in September 2018 as part of considering the appointment of Sir Brian Roche as a Ministerial Advisor to support the Review.

  • In November 2018, Cabinet agreed to take forward for further consideration a shortlist of three options for Defence capabilities.

  • In April 2019, Cabinet considered three capability options and agreed to Option One – Enhanced Pacific Projection and Sustainment, with an indicative capital envelope of $19.9 billion to 2030. Cabinet authorised the Minister of Defence, in consultation with the Minister of Finance, to finalise and approve the publication of the Defence Capability Plan 2019 on the basis of this decision.

The pack comprises:

  • the April 2019 Cabinet minute Defence Capability Plan 2019: Final Approval [GOV-19-MIN-0011]

  • the associated Cabinet paper Defence Capability Plan 2019 – Final Approval [GOV-19-SUB-0011], excluding the draft Capability Plan that was attached as Annex C

  • November 2018 Cabinet minute Defence Capability Plan Review 2018: Midpoint Update [GOV-18-MIN-0086]

  • the associated Cabinet paper Defence Capability Plan Review 2018 – Midpoint Update [GOV-18-SUB-0086]

  • September 2018 Cabinet minute Defence Capability Plan Review 2018 – Appointment of a Ministerial Advisor [APH-18-MIN-0214]

  • the associated Cabinet paper Defence Capability Plan Review 2018 – Appointment of a Ministerial Advisor [APH-18-SUB-0214].

The Defence Capability Plan 2019 is available on the Ministry of Defence website at link).

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