Defence Review 2009 Public Consultation Document

Published: 26 Jun 2009

Category: Other documents

This publication was issued as part of the 2009 Defence Review. Launched on 26 June 2009, the public consultation process encouraged all New Zealanders to 'Have their Say'. Due to public demand, the written submission process was extended beyond its scheduled closing date of 24 August 2009. 

As part of the consultation process a total of 16 public meetings were held in Auckland, Takapuna, Whangarei, Tauranga, Hastings, Palmerston North, Wanganui, Dunedin, Blenheim, Westport, Christchurch, New Plymouth, Upper Hutt, Masterton and Hamilton. 

Internal focus groups have also been held involving NZDF personnel at 7 camps and bases around New Zealand. In addition, information has been gathered from Defence academics, New Zealand youth, and the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association. 

Over 600 submissions and the results of these consultations informed the Secretary of Defence in finalising the Defence Assessment 2010

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A summary of submissions is available separately: Defence White Paper 2016 Public Summary of Submissions. A separate document is also available summarising consultation with youth as part of the Defence Review: Defence Review Youth Consultations - Summary of Findings. 

This work subsequently led to the development of the Defence White Paper 2010. 


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