Major Projects Report 2023

Major Projects Report 2023

Published: 22 Aug 2024

Category: Publication

The Major Projects Report provides information on Defence's management of projects during the year to 30 June 2023. 

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The 2023 report covers the following programmes and projects: Air Surveillance Maritime Patrol (P-8A Poseidon); Future Air Mobility Capability – Tactical (C130-J Hercules); Frigate Sustainment Programme; Anzac Frigate Systems Upgrade; Frigate Sustainment Communications; Operational and Regulatory Aviation Compliance Sustainment; Dive and Hydrographic Vessel (HMNZS Manawanui); Maritime Sustainment Capability (HMNZS Aotearoa); Fixed High Frequency Radio Refresh; Network Enabled Army (NEA) C4 and NEA Reconnaissance and Surveillance; and the Protected Vehicle Medium (NZ 5.5 Bushmasters). 

ISBN: 978-0-473-70936-5 (Online)

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