Proposal to Extend the Current Iraq Deployment Mandate - Cabinet Documents

Published: 21 Dec 2018

Category: Cabinet material

This publication provides documents on Cabinet's September 2018 decision to extend the New Zealand Defence Force deployment to Iraq and the region from 30 November 2018 to 30 June 2019 at a reduced number of up to 121 personnel. It invites the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defence to report back to Cabinet before the end of April 2019 on possible options for New Zealand contributions to Iraq from July 2019.

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The publication comprises:

  • the September 2019 Cabinet minute of decision: Proposal to Extend the Current Iraq Deployment Mandate [CAB-18-MIN-0455]
  • the associated Cabinet paper: Proposal to Extend the Current Iraq Deployment Mandate [CAB-18-SUB-0455].

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