
The Ministry of Defence publishes a range of reports and publications. Please contact us if you are seeking these documents in an alternative format.

Ka whakaputaina e te Manatū Kaupapa Waonga tētahi whānuitanga o ngā pūrongo, o ngā whakaputanga hoki. Tēnā whakapā mai ki a mātou mēnā e kimihia ana ēnei tuhinga ki hōputu kē.

Results 121 - 130 of 310

25 Feb 2021

Defence Tactical Future Air Mobility Capability 2020 Decision

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s May 2020 decision to approve the acquisition of five Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 Super Hercules tactical military…

25 Feb 2021

Defence Tactical Future Air Mobility Capability 2019 Decision

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s June 2019 decision to confirm the approach and timeframe for the replacement of the Air Force’s current fleet o…

17 Dec 2020

Implementing Recommendation 1 of the Operation Burnham Inquiry Report: Appointment of the Expert Review Group and Terms of Reference

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s October 2020 decision to establish an Expert Review Group to consider the matters contained in recommendation 1…

14 Dec 2020

Ministry of Defence Manatū Kaupapa Waonga - Annual Report Te Pūrongo-ā-tau 2020

This report provides performance information and financial statements for the Ministry of Defence, covering the year to 30 June 2020.

12 Dec 2020

Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Defence 2020

The Goverment has now published Briefings to Incoming Ministers. Included is the joint briefing that was provided to the Minister of Defence, Hon Peeni Henare, …

29 Oct 2020

Protected Vehicle – Medium Procurement – Release of Cabinet documents

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s June 2020 decision to approve the acquisition of 43 Thales Bushmaster NZ5.5 Procurement Vehicle – Mediums.

15 Oct 2020

Proposal to Renew the Mandate for New Zealand’s Contribution to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s June 2020 decision to renew the mandate for New Zealand’s contribution to the United Nations Truce Supervision …

15 Oct 2020

Proposal to Renew the Mandate for New Zealand’s Contribution to the Multinational Force and Observers

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s June 2020 decision to renew the mandate for New Zealand’s contribution to the Multinational Force and Observers…

15 Oct 2020

Overview of Deployment Decisions for Peace Support Deployments in the Middle East and Africa

This publication provides documents which supported Cabinet’s June 2020 decision to renew the mandates for New Zealand’s contribution to peace support deploymen…

15 Oct 2020

Defeat-ISIS Coalition: Proposal to Secure Alternative Roles within Operation Inherent Resolve Headquarters Following a Review of Structures

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s July 2020 decision to secure alternative roles within the Operation Inherent Resolve Headquarters following a r…