
The Ministry of Defence publishes a range of reports and publications. Please contact us if you are seeking these documents in an alternative format.

Ka whakaputaina e te Manatū Kaupapa Waonga tētahi whānuitanga o ngā pūrongo, o ngā whakaputanga hoki. Tēnā whakapā mai ki a mātou mēnā e kimihia ana ēnei tuhinga ki hōputu kē.

Results 41 - 50 of 310

04 Aug 2023

Defence Policy Review: Industry research

A summary of research undertaken by Kantar Public to provide industry input for the Defence Policy Review. This document provides an overview of the research un…

04 Aug 2023

Defence Policy Review: Survey results

A summary of feedback from the New Zealand public from a survey developed by Kantar Public to provide input for the Defence Policy Review. This document provide…

04 Aug 2023

Defence Policy Review: Detailed submissions

This publication provides all of the detailed submissions made to the Defence Policy Review from 26 January to 30 April 2023.

04 Aug 2023

Defence Policy Review: Future Force Design Principles Cabinet paper

This publication provides documents pertaining to Cabinet’s 26 June 2023 decision to agree to the second product of the Defence Policy Review, the Future Force …

04 Aug 2023

Defence Policy Review: Defence Policy Review and Strategy Statement Cabinet papers and Aide Memoire

This publication provides documents pertaining to an oral update provided to Cabinet on 13 December 2022 regarding the Defence Policy and Strategy Statement (DP…

04 Aug 2023

Defence Policy Review: Future Force Design Principles 2023

The Future Force Design Principles (FFDP) identifies the requirements of the future Defence Force to respond to the strategic environment and approach set out i…

04 Aug 2023

Defence Policy Review: Defence Policy and Strategy Statement 2023

The Defence Policy and Strategy Statement 2023 will guide Defence’s planning, operations, engagements and investment to ensure that Defence is fit-for-purpose i…

31 Jul 2023

Chief Executive Disclosure of Expenses 2022 - 2023 (Excel file)

This is the Chief Executive disclosure of expenses by the New Zealand Secretary of Defence, for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 (Excel file).

31 Jul 2023

Chief Executive Disclosure of Expenses 2022 - 2023 (PDF file)

This is the Chief Executive disclosure of expenses by the New Zealand Secretary of Defence, for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 (PDF file).

24 Jul 2023

New Zealand Assistance to Ukraine: 2023/2024 Options

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s March 2022 decisions to continue the New Zealand Defence Force deployments in support of Ukraine and the provis…