
The Ministry of Defence publishes a range of reports and publications. Please contact us if you are seeking these documents in an alternative format.

Ka whakaputaina e te Manatū Kaupapa Waonga tētahi whānuitanga o ngā pūrongo, o ngā whakaputanga hoki. Tēnā whakapā mai ki a mātou mēnā e kimihia ana ēnei tuhinga ki hōputu kē.

Results 51 - 60 of 310

24 Jul 2023

Deployments in Support of United Nations Security Council Sanctions Against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s June 2022 decisions to extend the mandates for the deployment of NZDF personnel to the United Nations Security …

24 Jul 2023

Defence Advice on Ukraine Support: March to May 2022

This publication provides documents created by the Ministry of Defence and New Zealand Defence Force regarding possible support to Ukraine.

10 Jul 2023

AUKUS: Trilateral Enhanced Security Partnership – Implications for Aotearoa New Zealand

This publication provides documents on the October 2021 submission to Ministers providing an overview of the recently established AUKUS trilateral enhanced secu…

10 Jul 2023

New Zealand Defence Force Commitments to Multilateral Peace Support Operations in the Middle East and Africa

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s March 2022 decisions to extend the mandates for the deployment of NZDF personnel to the United Nations Truce Su…

10 Jul 2023

AUKUS: Updating New Zealand’s Approach

This publication provides documents on the March 2023 submission to Ministers providing an update on key developments regarding AUKUS, previews forthcoming anno…

06 Jul 2023

Counter Terrorism Information Facility in Singapore: Proposal to Continue Participation

This publication provides details pertaining to Cabinet’s June 2022 decision to contribute NZDF personnel to the Counter Terrorism Information Facility in Singa…

26 Jun 2023

Status of Forces Agreement between Aotearoa New Zealand and the Republic of Fiji: Approval for Signature

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s 4 April decision to approve the text of the Status of Forces Agreement between Aotearoa New Zealand and Fiji.

26 Jun 2023

Inspector-General of Defence Bill: Policy change for Departmental Report

This publication provides information on Cabinet’s May 2023 decisions on a policy change to the Inspector-General of Defence Bill.

19 Jun 2023

Ministerial Overseas Travel 16-11-2022 to 25-11-2022

This publication provides the Cabinet proposal and report back on Hon Peeni Henare’s travel to the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Poland for bilateral discussions…

16 Jun 2023

Ministerial Overseas Travel 03-10-2022 to 12-10-2022

This publication provides the Cabinet proposal and report back on Hon Peeni Henare’s travel to the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt in October 2022.