
The Ministry of Defence publishes a range of reports and publications. Please contact us if you are seeking these documents in an alternative format.

Ka whakaputaina e te Manatū Kaupapa Waonga tētahi whānuitanga o ngā pūrongo, o ngā whakaputanga hoki. Tēnā whakapā mai ki a mātou mēnā e kimihia ana ēnei tuhinga ki hōputu kē.

Results 61 - 70 of 310

13 Jun 2023

Statement of Intent for closer defence co-operation between Japan and NZ

On 4 June 2023, the Defence Ministers of New Zealand and Japan signed a statement of intent for closer defence cooperation between the two Pacific regional part…

13 Jun 2023

Defence Policy Review Engagement Plan

This publication provides documents pertaining to the External Relations and Security Committee’s decision on 21 November 2022 to undertake an engagement proces…

01 Jun 2023

Major Projects Report 2022

The Major Projects Report 2022 provides information about Defence's management of projects during the year 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. Information about 12 maj…

29 May 2023

New Zealand Defence Force Support to Ukraine - August 2022

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s August 2022 decision to deploy two New Zealand Defence Force training teams of up to 120 personnel, to the Unit…

24 May 2023

Appointment of the Defence Policy Review Ministerial Advisory Panel

This publication provides documents on the decision to establish a Ministerial Advisory Panel in support of the Defence Policy Review.

22 May 2023

Proposal to participate in the Counter Terrorism Information Facility in Singapore

This publication provides documents on Cabinet's 16 March 2021 agreement to attach one New Zealand Defence Force analyst to the Counter Terrorism Information Fa…

17 May 2023

Defence Priorities 2021

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s November 2021 agreement to a series of People, Infrastructure and Pacific priorities for the Defence portfolio.…

17 May 2023

Operation Gallant Phoenix: Proposal to extend the mandate and increase New Zealand's multi-agency contribution

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s 22 March 2021 decision to extend the mandate for New Zealand’s multi-agency deployment to Operation Gallant Pho…

20 Apr 2023

Confirmation of Defence Authorisations for Deployments

This publication provides the Cabinet documents associated with Cabinet's October 2021 decisions on the confirmation of Defence authorisations for deployments. …

06 Mar 2023

Deferment of Southern Ocean Patrol Vessel Project

This publication provides a March 2022 submission from the Ministry of Defence informing the Minister of Defence of the decision taken by Defence to defer work …