
The Ministry of Defence publishes a range of reports and publications. Please contact us if you are seeking these documents in an alternative format.

Ka whakaputaina e te Manatū Kaupapa Waonga tētahi whānuitanga o ngā pūrongo, o ngā whakaputanga hoki. Tēnā whakapā mai ki a mātou mēnā e kimihia ana ēnei tuhinga ki hōputu kē.

Results 71 - 80 of 310

06 Mar 2023

Extension Requests For Peace And Security Leadership Mandates

This publication provides documents associated with Cabinet’s May 2021 decisions on extensions to three peace and security leadership mandates: the Multinationa…

06 Mar 2023

New Zealand’s Contribution to Peace and Stability on the Korean Peninsula 2021

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s June 2021 decisions to extend the mandate for the deployment of New Zealand Defence Force personnel to the Unit…

07 Feb 2023

Ministerial Overseas Travel 16-10-2022 to 20-10-2022

This publication provides Cabinet documents regarding the proposal and report for Hon Peeni Henare’s travel to Australia to attend the annual Australia-New Zeal…

21 Dec 2022

Network Enabled Army, Reconnaissance and Surveillance Project: Release of Approval Document

This publication provides a submission to the Minister of Defence seeking approval to delegate to the Secretary of Defence the authority to commit capital expen…

14 Dec 2022

Ministerial Overseas Travel 21-03-22 to 26-03-22

This publication provides Cabinet documents regarding the proposal and report for Hon Peeni Henare on his travel to Fiji and Australia from 21-26 March 2022.

14 Dec 2022

Ministerial Overseas Travel 06-08-22 to 09-08-22

This publication provides Cabinet documents regarding the proposal and report for Hon Peeni Henare on his travel to Solomon Islands as part of the 80th annivers…

01 Dec 2022

Ministerial Overseas Travel 08-06-2022 to 16-06-2022

This publication provides Cabinet documents regarding the proposal and report for Hon Peeni Henare on his travel to Singapore and South Korea from 8 - 16 June 2…

18 Nov 2022

Defence Policy Review Terms of Reference - Cabinet Documents

This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s June 2022 decision agreeing to the Defence Terms of Reference and directing Defence officials to proceed with t…

11 Nov 2022

Kia Toipoto – Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Agency Report and Action Plan 2022

This Report and Action Plan 2022 sets out what the Ministry will do to reduce its gender and ethnicity pay gaps and reports progress.

27 Oct 2022

Cabinet documents: Inspector-General of Defence Bill: Approval for Introduction

On 25 October 2022, Cabinet approved the introduction of the Inspector-General of Defence Bill to Parliament.